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Marketing 2.0: How AI is Redefining the Rules

As AI advances faster than we can say "innovation," businesses are jumping on the AI train across all departments. Let’s uncover some of the latest trends and hidden gems of AI in marketing.

Picture your favourite marketing campaign. Now, imagine it coming to life faster than ever, all thanks to AI tools. From crafting catchy taglines to creating engaging emails, AI acts like the wizard behind the curtain, doing it all at lightning speed. AI could be your new content creation best friend, here to turn your marketing dreams into reality in record time.

As AI advances faster than we can say "innovation," businesses are jumping on the AI train across all departments. Let’s uncover some of the latest trends and hidden gems of AI in marketing.

But amidst the AI buzz, let's not forget the human touch. Many still crave that personal connection only humans can offer. The sweet spot lies in blending AI magic with human warmth, becoming the golden ticket for businesses aiming to win hearts.

How AI Shapes Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing can feel like shouting into the void at times. Crafting messages without truly knowing your audience can be a major hurdle. This spans from knowing what content they engaging with, and what makes them tick to even knowing their schedule to know when best to reach out. But, AI offers a fantastic solution!

The real challenge often lies in our mindset. Clinging to old-school tactics like mass email blasts and generic marketing messages can hold back our marketing efforts. Why? Today's customers expect a personalised experience. They navigate a journey – from discovering a brand to making a purchase and sharing their experience. Here's where AI steps in. AI can analyse customer data to understand their preferences, purchase history, and online behaviour. This allows us to move beyond one-size-fits-all campaigns and craft personalised interactions like targeted email sequences or product recommendations that resonate with individual needs and interests.

Typically, marketers relied on limited data sets like demographics or basic purchase history.  This made it difficult to understand customer motivations and predict their behaviour. AI and machine learning have changed this entirely. They act as translators, analysing vast amounts of customer data from various sources like website interactions, social media activity, and even sentiment analysis.  This allows us to gain a deeper understanding of customer preferences, pain points, and buying habits.

With this newfound understanding, AI empowers us to move beyond traditional approaches. Instead of relying on guesswork, we can create targeted campaigns and personalised content that resonates with individual customers. Imagine AI suggesting blog topics based on what your audience is reading, or crafting tailored social media ads based on past interactions.

How AI Marketing Changes Roles and Expertise

Traditionally, reaching everyone with the same message was the goal. AI changes this, unlocking one-to-one personalisation at scale. This requires a new breed of marketer: someone who understands AI platforms, customer data, and the power of insights to craft exceptional experiences.

We're not just talking catchy slogans here. It's about contextual engagement that enhances the entire customer journey. Interactions should feel relevant and personal, happening on the right channel at the perfect moment. AI marketing isn't just about raising awareness or driving conversions – it builds lasting connections throughout the customer lifecycle.

This means asking smarter questions, using data for the right answers, and creating engaging content that meets evolving customer expectations. It's a continuous quest for knowledge, fuelled by curiosity and a drive to exceed expectations.

Marketing becomes less about assumptions and more about intelligent insights and outcomes. The focus shifts to understanding both the customer and the business. Measurement transforms too, with emphasis on metrics tracking engagement and real experiences, not just vanity numbers.

Best Examples of AI Marketing

Nike's AI-Generated Video with Serena Williams

Nike teamed up with tennis legend Serena Williams for an epic ad campaign called "Never Done Evolving."  Using AI, they created a virtual match between a young Serena, crushing her first Grand Slam in 1999, and a more seasoned Serena dominating the 2017 Australian Open.

This award-winning, 8-minute masterpiece celebrated Nike's 50th anniversary and showcased the power of AI storytelling. To spread the word, they even hosted a live stream on YouTube, reaching their massive audience of 1.69 million subscribers. 

So, what can we learn from Nike's AI playbook? People connect with stories. Use AI to create emotionally charged experiences that resonate with your audience! By embracing AI, you can follow in Nike's footsteps and create marketing that's both innovative and impactful.

Farfetch's AI-Powered Email Campaigns

Luxury retailer Farfetch wanted to take their emails to the next level, increasing open and click rates without sacrificing their signature style.  Enter AI, the ultimate trendsetter in marketing! They partnered with Phrasee, a fancy AI tool that helps businesses write like a pro.  

Here's how they made it happen:

  • Testing Trends: AI helped Farfetch test different writing styles and phrases, discovering exactly what resonated with their fashion-forward audience.
  • Subject Line: They optimised subject lines for various email categories, from abandoned carts to wishlist reminders. 
  • Personalised: AI even helped personalise email bodies to match Farfetch's diverse clientele and the vast array of brands they carry.

However, AI isn't here to replace your brand voice.  It's more like a super stylist, enhancing your unique style and making it easier to achieve your goals. The results? Spectacular!  Farfetch’s open rates for promotional emails skyrocketed by 7%, and event-triggered emails (like those abandoned cart reminders) saw a whopping 31% increase.  Click rates also jumped – 25% and 38% respectively.

Calm App's Amazon Personalise Integration

Calm, the popular sleep and meditation app, felt your struggle! With their ever-growing library of content, users might get lost browsing for the perfect relaxation fix.

That's where Amazon Personalise, a product from AWS (Amazon Web Services), comes in. It's like a super-powered recommendation engine, using machine learning to show users exactly what they need in real time.

Calm's clever AI system learns your preferences and keeps things fresh, ensuring you find your zen zone every time. The results showed a whopping 3.4% increase in daily app use!  Talk about happy, well-rested users. People love your product, but struggling to use it can lead to frustration and goodbyes.  Use AI to make things easier and more intuitive, just like Calm's personalised recommendations.

The more relevant your suggestions are, the more likely users are to find what they need and stick around. Imagine an online store that recommends the perfect outfit based on your style, not just random clothes. That's the power of AI!

BMW's Generative AI Art Campaign

Remember that time BMW turned their cars into canvases? It wasn't just a cool art project.

This 2021 campaign for the 8 Series Gran Coupé, co-created with Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, was all about connecting with customers on a deeper level. Luxury car ads often focus on features and specs, but BMW knew there was more to the story. They wanted to evoke emotions and make you feel the thrill of owning a BMW.

So, they ditched the words and spoke directly to your soul with stunning AI-generated art projected onto their cars.  It was a powerful way to showcase the brand's connection to innovation, style, and a touch of the unexpected.

Learn from BMW's artistic approach – tell a story.  What are your brand values? What kind of emotions do you want to evoke? How can you connect with your audience on a deeper level? Think about the causes you support, the experiences you create, or the emotions your product evokes.  

Netflix's Hyper-Personalised Recommendations

Ever wonder how Netflix knows exactly what show you'll devour next? It's all thanks to the magic of AI and machine learning! They've become the masters of personalisation, from recommending binge-worthy shows to tweaking thumbnails on your homepage. That's why you and your friend might see different images for the same movie – it's all based on your unique viewing habits.

Netflix uses a fancy tool called Aesthetic Visual Analysis (AVA) to pick the perfect thumbnail scene. It analyses thousands of options to find the one that'll grab your attention and make you say, "Ooh, that looks interesting!"

Just like Netflix, you can use A/B testing to discover the perfect images and messages that resonate most with your audience. Think of it like a super-powered focus group that tells you exactly what works (and what flops) in milliseconds.

AI Marketing is Here to Stay

To fully utilise AI in marketing, companies should invest in training employees on AI tools and technologies. Aligning with AI involves defining goals and areas where AI adds value, such as lead generation, customer segmentation, and personalisation.

AI marketing requires asking key questions about its impact, from improving targeting efforts to tracking campaign performance. Continuously training and refining AI models is crucial for long-term effectiveness. 

Understanding ethical and privacy implications ensures alignment with company values and regulations. AI isn't just a buzzword; it's a transformative force reshaping the future of marketing.

If you’re looking for marketing job opportunities in the tech and blockchain space, click here for our jobs page. We’ve got junior, mid-level and senior roles for you to pick from! 

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